Thursday 14 November 2013

Prop concepts

Started work on my props as well, I have been busy. As the game is about survival, I wanted the prop to be something that would help in the wild. I didn't want a fully fledged violent weapon, just something that could be used to protect if needed. So the gun is out. Being a swamp/jungle based environment I though a machete type prop would be incredibly useful. And being very swampy and water based the trident/spear would also be useful. The bottom silhouette is my favourite as it shows how the spear will extend when needed and that whilst still looking very aggressive, doesn't just connote messages of violence. It's not all spikey and sharp...but still quite spikey. It looks good shutup.

Sort of taking shape - Environment concepts fuuuuuun

Here I'm trying to get rid of all my black lines, I need to do a lot of work on the water and the trees as they do look like they've been pasted on top. I want the different bits to merge together, however it's now beginning to take shape. Also, I need to experiment with different images in order to give different textures so the trees look like trees, and the leaves leaves, etc.


In this image im still trying to achieve a basic knowledge of photoshop. Woo me. I'm also trying to make the image look more spooky, after a lecture about backgrounds sometimes being covered in fog I wanted to experiment to see how it would look. The fog is staying because it looks slightly more dangerous. The alien is fine in this environment however the human has to wear a scuba diving type of thing in order to breath.

Photoshop tiiiime


Here I have the basic and initial design for my environment. I want to achieve a swamp looking effect but still retain a slightly alien look. Because my character is predominantly brown, the swamp will be made up of lots of dark greens and brown so he can blend in. This is also an intial level design IF it ever became a game where the alien must push broken objects from a crashed plane into a line in order for his human companion to cross. Both characters are shown here.