Thursday 12 December 2013

CDDA Evaluation

Concept Development and Digital Application Evaluation


For this assignment we were tasked with creating a character, a prop and an environment. This was a great assignment to start with, I was able to fully immerse myself in the characters world and think about different scenarios, why he would do or use certain objects and about his character and how it changes in general. It also gave me the opportunity to get the hang of Photoshop for the first time. Before this I’d studied fine art at 6th form so was accustomed to using pencils, pens and the more traditional methods so being thrown in to using digital application was new and a little daunting but I felt that I picked it up quite well.

I enjoyed creating an alien character, the initial idea came to me before we’d had the whole assignment brief so my environment is based on my character idea, and my prop is based on the environment. I just wanted to make an amphibian like creature, I did a quick sketch-skeleton of his body and a detailed sketch of his face and the rest followed on. I like working like this as it means my ideas can flow in the moment instead of stressing about it. The only problem with this is finding flaws in my character as I work on them. For example, I thought that clawed feet and fingers looked cool, but the more I developed my character as being peaceful and amphibian the more I realised that it didn’t suit him, so using images of frogs as reference, I gave him more bulbous appendages. Similarly, the more I worked on his body, the more I realised that he didn’t look right being very stocky and tall, so I went for the stereotypical slim alien.

I quickly found a body and face that suited him so began working on colour. I knew that his planet was going to be very dark and swampy, so his skin colour wouldn’t be bright and vibrant as that’s typically found on smaller animals. So, I looked more at toads and their skin colour. Toad skin is mostly very dark brown or beige so I used these colour schemes on my character. These dark colours influenced my environment and how dark my swamp would be.  

One thing I did find difficult was a pose that worked, and how his body would move and still seem natural and not forced. Also with perspective, things like his backwards legs were challenging because I had to work out what they'd look like going back, but also coming forwards again for his feet. In my initial concept, i gave him ridges that extended out and over his head purely because I thought they looked cool, but then when i thought about it, it could be used as an extra tail/fin for swimming or even a flotation device. All in all, i thought my character worked well as a design but also as a character the player could enjoy.

For my environment, I knew I wanted to have some kind of swamp but also a wreckage for my characters to work around. My initial concept was my final beauty shot, my characters using parts of plane to cross the swamp. My only concern with the final shot is that, considering it's an alien planet, the trees look to earth-like. It wasn't much of a problem as I used vine trees in order to create a more spooky feel to them. The rest of my shot i thought was fine, in my spare time I'd like to work more on things like the reflections and as my lecturer told my, the tree canopy was too light.

I thought having my characters in the environment would help to give perspective to the swamp as well, it shows that the trees were large and the plane was large. I would have included more detail in the trees at the back of the image, but when my hard drive ate its memory all i had left was a JPEG image so couldn't work on it as a separate layer.

I wanted to make the canopy look real as well, so i used a mix of actual images of tree canopies, and also different brush types to dapple different colours to give it different areas of shading. One little bit i was proud of was the lighting from the fire at the top of the plane. As the image was all greens and browns i felt that it needed some more colour, looking at the different plane segments i chose the central one as its in the viewers focus a they're looking at the two characters but also means they see it first and work their way out. It also made it more enjoyable for me, similarly with the characters, being able to work with different colours.

For my prop, i was aware that my character wasn't  violent person, so he wouldn't be using an offensive prop, more defensive or for survival. I was also aware that he would travelling the jungle. This is why i chose to use a machete. It's practical for the purpose of getting through a jungle, it can be used to harm if need be but doesn't have to be. It's still shiny and clean because it's never been used which reinforces how violent my character isn't. Being of amphibian nature, and living close by to swamps and watery areas i felt that as a secondary weapon the trident would also be useful in terms of survival, for fishing or catching things. It's able to slide in and out of the main handle so it doesn't cause a nuisance or get in the way while my characters are travelling the jungle. Being a modification the my character added, the hilt and the trident are scratched and battered as my character has had to find a way to include them in his rather basic machete. Also, as i was designing it, i thought about including little tribal designs but then decided against it, it doesn't have to look pretty if it's for hacking through a jungle. So long as it's practical it should be absolutely fine.

If i were to do this project again, I'd back my work up properly. That's the only thing I'd really change. I like the way work looks as I've had to re-do and fix it all but if it had been backed up properly it would, i hope, have looked even better as I'd have had more time to work on it. And the lecturers were brilliant, they really helped me to learn different techniques to make working on the computers easier for someone who never had before.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Character History

Shathẻ Edwards is from a planet just outside our solar system. It's a hostile Amazonian like planet covered in swamp. The Odalaes are a bipedal, amphibian/reptilian like species, whilst they aren't very strong, they are a super intelligent species with a passion for science. Originally ruled by a single emperor he spent the public's money on a new observatory to search for new life. Whilst the Odalaes didn't disagree with this choice, they did wish it was managed slightly better. A council took over to manage the wealth slightly better. In doing this the observatory lost significant amounts of funding. Eager scientists in the local community started to donate their money to keep the observatory open. A New World Discovery project was started by the observatory and they found the human race.

Shathẻ was born into a family of some importance, his mother was a member of the government and his dad was an architectural preserver. Whilst clearing an area of land his father was slaughtered by a Tratchi worm as was the rest of the team. Shathẻ was left on his own with his mother and needed to keep himself occupied, already a smart child he focused on Biology and Astrology. Anything biologically different fascinated him and the prospect of such an infinite space outside his atmosphere intrigued him. He spent his life trying to work in the NWD but never succeeded. When the humans were discovered, the council started to privately fund terrorists to destroy the observatories. They were terrified by change and another, potentially more primitive race.

From the ashes! The remaining scientists tried to continue their research, and much to the council’s surprise, the Odalae people began to give money to the scientists, they were excited by a new race and wanted to make contact. Once this movement took hold, the council could do nothing to stop it. And eventually an exploration vessel left for this new planet. While away, Shathẻ was employed to study this new planet, atmosphere, size, and rotation, anything to work out how this new species worked.

Almost a decade later, a signal came through from an unknown satellite. Through the telescopes Shathẻ could see that is was not Odalai in origin. When contacted by satellite, the Odalai were told about the demise of the exploration vessel. A freak meteor storm destroyed their vessel sending the shrapnel hurtling into the alien’s planet. It turns out that this alien species had been studying the Odalaes aswell, so upon discovery of interstellar travel they decided it was time to make contact. When the aliens were deemed safe, they were invited to the planet.

Being one of the first to make radio contact, Shathẻ was introduced to them first. This exposed him to their diseases before they could be deemed physically safe. Within hours Shathẻ began to show signs of sickness, as did the other members of the welcome party. That same hour saw Shathẻ quarantined with the humans. Some of the Odalai died from the sickness, Shathẻ was close but from the help of some alien medicine, was able to begin his recovery. Whilst quarantined, Shathẻ and one of the aliens, a ‘war medic’, began to talk. Shathẻ learnt about the aliens past and learnt that, though they may not be primitive, they are a violent race capable of extreme violence. Shathẻ was told that he was a ‘pacifist’, if worst came to worst, he’d act violently to survive but preferred not to.

Eventually the government informed the terrorist cells of the diseases that these aliens carried and risking war with the aliens, the terrorists were tasked with killing all aliens, and Odalai that had made contact with them.

When the attack inevitably started, Shathẻ was caught in one of explosions burning and scaring him, it caused him to be knocked unconscious and collapse. When he woke, he was in a jungle somewhere, he could smell smoke so he was still close but the jungles are so dense he could see nothing. As he began to focus, the alien, Saunders, was next to him, covered in rubble and dust.


The aim is to stealthily reach the prototype space shuttles in order to get Saunders back to his planet. He’s a non-violent character so has a taser-machete in order to get through the jungle but not kill anybody. As the game progresses, war does break out. The humans attack the planet and Shathẻ is forced into killing his own people in order to protect Saunders. He despises violence but his experiences begin to blur his loyalty and what he’s willing to do for good or bad.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

50 POSTS!! BUT THIS MAKES 51.......meh

50 POSTS!!! I told people i'd been doing work outside of uni so for all the non believers, here's a goat that made me laugh

Alien Worm Concept sketch

Again...another image that was completed on photoshop but perished,....I wish i'd have listened to people telling me to back stuff up :/ it's my own fault but this is the alien worm from my character history which is in the process of being rewritten as it to died.....

Life Drawing whichever number's next

woo....more chalk....less good, the paper was crap (lecturer agreed, not an excuse)

Life Drawing 5

NEW MODEL!!! The images are slightly warped because I took them from an angle because my shadow was on it....the pictures aren't actually warped... Some interesting/different poses though.....again, very useful

+it's funny seeing the faces of people who have never seen a boob before XD I tried not to laugh..i did...honest...

Life Drawing 4

I do appreciate the fact that we had to use chalk....fabric is a butt to do :/ but this is super useful....shame I won't use it...ever...maybe sometimes

Life Drawing 3

Really bad sorry :/ my cameras pretty crap...and 2nd hand from someone in the family I've never heard of.... I like the drawings though!

Life Drawing 2

He's a motherf*king jedi!!! Did find this extremely useful

Starting to lose tired...

Life Drawing 1

LIFE DRAWING!!! Oh what a wonderful body 'he who shall not be named for privacy reasons'. Lol. No. Mines better.
So tired.

Environment Beauty Shot

I like this! :D I don't think the reflections are anywhere near correct but hey! it looks alright :)

The aim of this level is for Shathe - with a fancy e - to push segments of the plane wreckage together to Saunders can cross safely. He's the human. The swamp gas isn't toxic...well...not causes severe pooping and throwing up in humans, hence Saunders's little back pack. The fog is so built up because the canopy is so thick and grows so fast - that's why there's no light from where the plane crashed through

A little more completed beauty shot

ive done a bit more....but meh

Human Head thumbnails - Companion

Again...was are some facial thumbnails of basic faces, did have more on my hard-drive....damn it really took a chunk of stuff :/

Human Companion-sketch

So...did have a photoshop version of this on my hard-drive....but here's my concept for the human companion :)

Final Beauty Shot - Prop

This is my finished prop, really like the way it turned out, even though it looks relatively simple it's not too crowded with detail.

Prop Beauty Shot...LOOK! IT ALMOST RHYMES!

Need to do a bit of work on the blade but really like this prop :') just need to show what the blade will look like

Beauty Shot Prop

This is my Beauty shot for my prop, I decided to have the weapon modified to be a taser and have the spear shoot out rather than it be already built in. I thought this made more sense as the character is a scientist. He'd enjoy tinckering with things. Also, being a rather passive individual, the blade itself is still clean and polished as it hasn't been used. The hilt is scratched and dented because of the modifications.

Final Beauty shot...well, as much as i'm going to do to it

So this is my final beauty shot, I think the shadows are wrong and I need to spend so much longer working on textures. I like the new people pose as it looks less like he's holding mr alien hostage and like a more natural pose. Mr Humans feet are ok but the green cape thing is not doing anything else to it because it'll just get worse and worse the more tired I get

Character Perspectives

Another piece I lost with my hard-drive, just remembered I had to do it :/ so its not great but it gives across the general Idea of what he looks like

Latest redone environment

So after my original copy was ruined, this is my attempt to re-do and repair...less confident with this but I know that had my hard-drive not eaten itself it would be sooooooo much better, this is as good as it'll get I think :/ obviously i'll finish it but yeah....

Almost finished beauty shot

Good solid days work, almost finished the beauty shot, almost finished my hashed up environment annnnnnd my final prop :D feeling more confident

Wednesday 4 December 2013


Attempting shadow but getting tired....the cans of monster are wearing off....still have loads to do, should..maybe...hopefully be done soon though. Shadows do need loads of work as does the humans texturing

More beauty shots

Happy with what I have so far....trousers on the human need sorting and I thing shdows and lighting will make a massive improvement, need to take some reference pictures though


So this is my chosen prop, I thought that just a spear and machete was cool...but having a built in taser aswell was cooler, and being a survival game it gives a non-lethal weapon for my character to use if he needs to escape. Also shown is how the spear extends. Nothing like Predators spear. At all. Didn't even cross my mind.... o.O

Beauty Shot 2

Still working on the texture...I like the chainmail effect though :) ....I got it from my shoes :P trying to make it look like it's moving with his body though which is a struggle :/


Beauty Shot concept

So...i'm feeling only having the 2 characters on my final beauty shot so I can focus on the detail on them and not stuff just happening in the background, yes i'm using starwars toys for perspective and no, there isn't much work done on this image. Or my environment. Or my prop. BECAUSE MY GODDAMN HARDRIVE ATE IT'S OWN MEMORY AND CORRUPTED EVERYTHING! F*ck technology. I like pencil drawing. On a lighter note, I do like the human pose.
All life drawing images will be uploaded at the same time after our last session, fear will be on here some time Friday evening...after work. If i'm not super tired. It'll probably be Saturday.