Wednesday 11 December 2013

Character History

Shathẻ Edwards is from a planet just outside our solar system. It's a hostile Amazonian like planet covered in swamp. The Odalaes are a bipedal, amphibian/reptilian like species, whilst they aren't very strong, they are a super intelligent species with a passion for science. Originally ruled by a single emperor he spent the public's money on a new observatory to search for new life. Whilst the Odalaes didn't disagree with this choice, they did wish it was managed slightly better. A council took over to manage the wealth slightly better. In doing this the observatory lost significant amounts of funding. Eager scientists in the local community started to donate their money to keep the observatory open. A New World Discovery project was started by the observatory and they found the human race.

Shathẻ was born into a family of some importance, his mother was a member of the government and his dad was an architectural preserver. Whilst clearing an area of land his father was slaughtered by a Tratchi worm as was the rest of the team. Shathẻ was left on his own with his mother and needed to keep himself occupied, already a smart child he focused on Biology and Astrology. Anything biologically different fascinated him and the prospect of such an infinite space outside his atmosphere intrigued him. He spent his life trying to work in the NWD but never succeeded. When the humans were discovered, the council started to privately fund terrorists to destroy the observatories. They were terrified by change and another, potentially more primitive race.

From the ashes! The remaining scientists tried to continue their research, and much to the council’s surprise, the Odalae people began to give money to the scientists, they were excited by a new race and wanted to make contact. Once this movement took hold, the council could do nothing to stop it. And eventually an exploration vessel left for this new planet. While away, Shathẻ was employed to study this new planet, atmosphere, size, and rotation, anything to work out how this new species worked.

Almost a decade later, a signal came through from an unknown satellite. Through the telescopes Shathẻ could see that is was not Odalai in origin. When contacted by satellite, the Odalai were told about the demise of the exploration vessel. A freak meteor storm destroyed their vessel sending the shrapnel hurtling into the alien’s planet. It turns out that this alien species had been studying the Odalaes aswell, so upon discovery of interstellar travel they decided it was time to make contact. When the aliens were deemed safe, they were invited to the planet.

Being one of the first to make radio contact, Shathẻ was introduced to them first. This exposed him to their diseases before they could be deemed physically safe. Within hours Shathẻ began to show signs of sickness, as did the other members of the welcome party. That same hour saw Shathẻ quarantined with the humans. Some of the Odalai died from the sickness, Shathẻ was close but from the help of some alien medicine, was able to begin his recovery. Whilst quarantined, Shathẻ and one of the aliens, a ‘war medic’, began to talk. Shathẻ learnt about the aliens past and learnt that, though they may not be primitive, they are a violent race capable of extreme violence. Shathẻ was told that he was a ‘pacifist’, if worst came to worst, he’d act violently to survive but preferred not to.

Eventually the government informed the terrorist cells of the diseases that these aliens carried and risking war with the aliens, the terrorists were tasked with killing all aliens, and Odalai that had made contact with them.

When the attack inevitably started, Shathẻ was caught in one of explosions burning and scaring him, it caused him to be knocked unconscious and collapse. When he woke, he was in a jungle somewhere, he could smell smoke so he was still close but the jungles are so dense he could see nothing. As he began to focus, the alien, Saunders, was next to him, covered in rubble and dust.


The aim is to stealthily reach the prototype space shuttles in order to get Saunders back to his planet. He’s a non-violent character so has a taser-machete in order to get through the jungle but not kill anybody. As the game progresses, war does break out. The humans attack the planet and Shathẻ is forced into killing his own people in order to protect Saunders. He despises violence but his experiences begin to blur his loyalty and what he’s willing to do for good or bad.

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